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What is Sleep Apnea in Babies?

Jun 30,2024 | 244 min read

What is Sleep Apnea in Babies?

What is Sleep Apnea? Do babies have sleep apnea? Why does sleep apnea occur in babiesWhy do babies snore while they sleep or is it normal for the baby to breathe wheezily while they sleep? Today, our subject is sleep apnea in babies and children…

What is Sleep Apnea in Babies?

Although sleep apnea is frequently seen in babies, many parents do not notice or care about this situation. However, when the necessary treatment is not applied, impaired sleep quality can negatively affect the development of the baby. Let’s get to know sleep apnea in babies together…

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that disrupts sleep quality and prevents sleep rest. Because apnea state means that breathing falls below its normal value for 10-15 seconds during sleep or becomes superficial. As a result of the cessation of the need for breathing, we wake up from sleep and this is a great obstacle for a quality sleep experience. However, there are more than one type of sleep apnea. So what are the types of sleep apnea?

Types of Sleep Apnea

We can examine sleep apnea, which affects human health and reduces sleep quality, under three different headings.

Central Sleep Apnea

It is caused by the deterioration of respiratory centers because the brain cannot transmit the breathing command to the muscles during sleep.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

It is caused by obstruction of the upper respiratory tract during sleep.

Complex Sleep Apnea

It is caused by a mixture of central and obstructive sleep apnea.

Do Babies Have Sleep Apnea?

Unfortunately, yes, sleep apnea is seen in children, infants and even newborn babies. There are also cases where babies cannot breathe during sleep during apnea. When such a situation is encountered, it is necessary to go to a health center as soon as possible. The type of sleep apnea seen in infants is usually central sleep apnea and has been observed to pass over time. Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in children older than one year of age.

What is the Cause of Sleep Apnea in Babies?

There may be more than one reason for this situation. Some of these can be examined as follows:

Undeveloped Central Nervous System

The central nervous system of some of the newborn babies may not be fully developed. In such a case, they may forget to breathe during sleep.

Adenoid – Tonsil

We can saythat the most common causes of sleep apnea in babies are adenoid and tonsil growth. The operation can be performed with the help of an ENT specialist in children and may be a solution to this issue, but the operation is generally not preferred in babies. 

Anatomical Disorders

Sleep apnea may occur in babies with an anatomical disorder of the mouth, nose or jaw. Such causes from birth can make it difficult to breathe (especially during sleep).

Premature Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is frequently seen in premature babies . Since the central nervous system is not fully developed, premature babies may forget to breathe in their sleep.


Breathing problems may occur due toallergies in early childhood. After learning the cause of the allergy, the quality of sleep can be increased after the treatment.

Down Syndrome

Due to the structure of the upper respiratory tract of infants with Down Syndrome, sleep apnea is very likely to occur. As a result of the researches, it was concluded that most of the infants with Down Syndrome had obstructive sleep apnea.

Could Sleep Apnea Be the Cause of Baby's Snoring?

The following symptoms indicate a respiratory disorder problem during sleep.

  • Stopping breathing in sleep

  • Sleeping without covering

  • Wheezing or snoring

  • Sweating of the head and upper waist

  • Difficulty waking up

  • Restless sleep with continuous rotation

  • Tossing the head back to breathe

  • Headache and bad breath in the morning

What Should You Do If Your Baby Snores in Sleep?

Snoring in babies and children is a situation to be considered. If your baby has snoring, monitor this situation and make sure to mention it when you go to your pediatrician. You can also take videos during sleep. Do not associate baby’s snoring with fatigue. If your pediatrician deems it necessary, he/she will refer you to an ENT specialist. 

What is the Effect of Sleep Apnea on Babies?

If the baby stops breathing during sleep, the oxygen level in the blood may decrease. This may prevent the growth hormone released during sleep from functioning properly. Therefore, development problems may arise. This may affect the healthy development of the child.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

After the cause of apnea is determined, the treatment method should be determined.

In cases of throat, nose, nasal infection or allergic conditions, drug treatment is applied first.

In fat children, treatments are applied to solve the weight problem.

However, the operation is the shortest and most effective treatment method in cases such as severe adenoid growth and the size of the tonsils. In cases where the tonsil is not inflamed, the tonsil can be reduced by laser instead of completely removing it. Such operations are performed under general anesthesia so that children do not feel and fear.

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