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How is an asthma attack triggered?

May 10,2024 | 430 min read

How is an asthma attack triggered?

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that makes breathing difficult due to narrowing and obstruction of the airways. Asthma is caused by excessive secretion of mucus as a result of bad factors blocking the airways. Asthma patients have constant attacks, but they continue their normal lives apart from the attacks.

What are the Causes of Asthma?

Asthma can occur in individuals of all ages. The causes of asthma can be listed as follows:

  • Living in areas with high air pollution,

  • The use of substances harmful to the respiratory tract such as cigarettes and hookahs,

  • Individuals with allergies

  • Living in environments where allergens (house dust, molds, pollen) are intense,

  • Animal feathers,

  • Some drugs,

  • Working in some occupational groups (painting, farming, occupations where chemical materials are used extensively),

  • It can also be passed on genetically.

What Are Asthma Symptoms?

Common symptoms of asthma are as follows:

  • Chest tightness and pain,

  • Difficulty in breathing,

  • Coughing attacks and wheezing,

Symptoms usually occur at night and may wake the patient from sleep.

Asthma Diagnosis and Treatment

Asthma Diagnosis

The diagnosis of asthma is determined by respiratory tests performed under the supervision of a pulmonologist. In this process, the doctor creates a medical history with the patient and follows the path accordingly. In this history, the frequency of coughing attacks, the time of the attacks and the history of asthma in the family are questioned. Some of the tests done are:

  • Spinometer; It is the measurement of the lung capacity and the amount of air taken and the examination of the bronchi.

  • Peak Current Measurement; It is a test to examine the change in lung function.

  • Methacholine Test; In this test, the sensitivity of the patient to whether the bronchi are narrowed by melancholine is determined.

  • Allergy Test; Allergy status, which is determined by blood or skin tests, allows the patient to detect the substances that cause allergies.

After these tests, the patient is diagnosed and treatment is started.

Asthma Treatment

Although the treatment of asthma is not definitive, asthma can be controlled with regular medications. Regular check-ups have an important place for this disease. The tests performed and the degree of asthma also differ in the use of drugs. Apart from these, it is important to stay away from cigarettes, wear protective clothing against chemical substances, and be careful not to catch a cold. In this process, it is appropriate to do exercises that will not trigger asthma but will be good for the respiratory tract. The patient is given respiratory sprays during crises. One of these drugs is inhalers. The inhaler should be carried with him at all times in order to relieve the patient during a crisis and to help him/her breathe more quickly.

What should asthma patients pay attention to?

  • Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of carpets, curtains, plush toys. If possible, items that collect dust should be removed from the bedroom. Synthetic pillows and quilts should be chosen instead of wool or cotton. The use of bedding is important and should be cleaned frequently.

  • Pets should be avoided if possible.

  • Asthma patients should not smoke and should be careful not to be in the used environment.

  • Appropriate exercises should be chosen.

  • Asthma patients, who are immune to respiratory tract diseases, should pay attention to flu vaccines.

  • Known allergic agents should be avoided.

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